
joi, 14 martie 2013

Andy Rubin withdraws from the position of head of Android

Without an obvious scandal or debate in the media, Andy Rubin withdrew yesterday from his position as director of Google Android terminal Division.

CEO Larry Page wanted to make the official announcement of the transition from Andy Rubin as head of the department where he supported and promoted the Android ecosystem. With about 750 million active devices at this time, it isn’t obvious why Andy Rubin withdraw from the post where his done very good job.

This position will be occupied by Sundar Pichai. He will hold both the position of vice president of Chrome and Apps and as chief over Android. If we combine the two position as a hint about what's next in the operating of Google systems, chances are that the line between Android and Chrome OS will soon become blurred.

In the worst case, this transition should be reflected by a definition of stronger links between the two creations governed by Google. Rumors about such tactics have existed since December 2010, with the release of Chrome OS. Given the immeasurable popularity of the Android operating system, now would be the best time for Google to try a bold move.

There is still no official information about Andy Rubin's next destination. Is likely that he will become the head of another division which will be reinvented or to bring it to the pinnacle of glory.

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