
sâmbătă, 9 martie 2013

Chinese, smartphone copies and consumer choices

Smartphones are produced almost exclusively in China. In large part, the Chinese have access to the complete technology, owning the practical schemes of these devices.

Copies of smartphones are becoming more diverse, certainly the most copied is new product of a top of the range manufacturer. Most of these products go to the European market or the U.S. market and, to the surprise of many, even very successful. Price is one of the most important factors. When you have a product similar to one that cost 600 euros, and the final selling price for your product barely reaches 200 euros, you have all chances of immediate success.

Samsung Galaxy S3 copies are very successful, both in terms of design, as well as that of functionality and performance. You cannot see the difference in touchscreen or operating system. Android is a free product that facilitates passage to Chinese products, which until now were trying to copy iOS or Symbian with their products.
Absolutely all manufacturers who have introduced products at MWC 2013 is looking for distributors in Europe. Are willing to sell their products at a price of 100 dollars for those who offers to buy more than 2000 pieces - this is somehow the lower limit. Of course for larger quantities the price can drop even more. Add the taxes which can reach up to 300%, provides a healthy profit to those who engage in such business.

An important element is product liability. Not like renowned manufacturers like Samsung, components aren’t tested so well and they are not as reliable. Quite common problems of poor quality are batteries or devices who cease to function after only 2-3 weeks of use. Therefore, the products look very good, but the internal processor and all components have a short life span. Nobody can guarantee for their operation and their manufacturer assumes no responsibility.

As a whole even these Chinese phones are worth a look, but the decision lies with the costumer. Consumers should think if they pay 100-150 euros on such a device, cheaper than the devices of renowned companies, or if they prefer brand products with all warranties included.

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