
miercuri, 13 martie 2013

HTC is planning its own mapping system

Because Nokia has done a good job with its own mapping solution that worked a few years, HTC wants to try something similar.

Part of the aura of exclusivity that have terminals what Windows Phones ecosystem world is defined by a set of exclusive applications. Although many of them have come on other WP smartphones, Nokia did not hesitate to say that the best experience for applications such as Nokia Maps and Nokia Drive will remain no Nokia terminals.

HTC seems to want to try something similar on their smartphones. Several sources have confirmed that HTC wants to invest in its own solution for navigation and mapping. It is worth noting that these rumors are not the first incursions of HTC in an area led by Google, Nokia and in little extent, Apple. HTC Locations, was a Windows Phone application which unfortunately is no longer available on the online store of Microsoft applications. Although it is unknown whether HTC will try upgrading the application or if it will create its one from scratch, the company seems determined to create a competitive application.

Even if there are good chances that such a navigation solution to materialize remains to be seen if it will be available exclusively on Windows Phone or could just as easily be downloaded from Google Play at some point. Most times, such initiatives are very expensive, but considering the remarkable financial effort made ​​last year with Beats, nothing surprises us anymore when it comes to HTC.

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