
marți, 12 martie 2013

Youtube's co-founders are preparing a new product

Google acquired YouTube about six years ago, his development team receiving $ 1.65 billion at that time. But what happened with founding members? Apparently they’re still working on developing new services.
One of the co-founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley wants to try his luck again with a new online service to complement our beloved YouTube. After saying a few words at the SXSW conference days, small details come out for the online service that Hurley has in mind.
,, I wish to SXSW was a month later so we could launch the new product. "This statement was made by Chad in a conversation with Kevin Rose, Digg the founder and o the of the Google Ventures partners. Without giving too much away, YouTube co-founder insisted that the service revolves mainly around video content, while giving people the flexibility to collaborate and create content.
Taking into account the service description, the service is almost ready. Hurley promises that the service will be ready in about a month. Will we see in 2013 a service to challenge with the authority of YouTube's online videos.

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