
marți, 25 iunie 2013

The PennyMatrix


First of all guys, We have been receiving a lot of messages asking us questions about what exactly we are doing here.. Most of these questions are things that Brian René Pedersen has covered in his videos and posts within the group and also in the Webinar the Leader board did.. 

Please first go through the materials within the group and if you have a question first ask your sponsor because we have most likely already explained it to them.. And to all the sponsors Please explain our plan to all your new recruits.. 

After going through all the materials and talking to your sponsor if you still have questions then you can post it on this group and tag one of the Leaders to the post so we can answer it.. Leaders to contact for questions that haven't been answered in the group videos and posts are Brian as stated before in the post Harun Alan , Herman Trakachenok , Paul Garcia..

In short...

If you are reading this you are already in penny matrix a Big Welcome from me and all the leader board.. 

With penny matrix we are utilizing a call centre to buy recruits and transfer them in to our other opportunity to make everyone that 5-6-7 figure income easily..

Plan ;

1.Join Penny Matrix,

2.Buy your recruits,

3.Ask you sponsor for their Xplocial referral link (Xplocial is our Company to make money now, Xplocial payment plan explained at the end of this post),

4.Transfer Recruits you get from your package,

5.Train them to do the same.

6.Join this group when you want to and are ready to buy recruits.

7.Add Jonas Arroyo and ask about the procedure to buy recruits..


Now with Xplocial,

Your 1st, 3rd, 6th, sale passes up to your sponsor and you keep everything in between and after that.

You can make on the Gold level $29 on the Platinum $129 per signup per month paid weekly.. Guys this means if you buy a 6 signup package for $100 and take them over to Xplocial you make $129x6=$387 that is after you have already Passed-Up.. after that 6 with your next six your total will come to monthly $129x6=$774+$387=$1161 I'm not even counting the Pass-Ups that will come from your Down-Line 

Very Powerful guys, 

Don't be alarmed by that because all of your other directs will also be passing up to you, and you create a Power-Line of Pass-Ups.

So if you get 3 Pass-Ups from 1 direct then you will receive 9 Pass-Ups from those people..

Guys what we are doing here has never been done before and we already have people that are coming to us ready to join with this opportunity.. 

Again Please make sure you go through all materials before asking questions because it is impossible for us to make everything run smoothly for all of you while trying to attend to 56 people at the same time.. so thats why we try to explain everything on this group.. Thank You for reading..

Kind Regards,

Brian René Pedersen - Team Tsunami Founder

Harun Alan - Team Tsunami Co-Founder

Herman Trakachenok - Team Tsunami Co-Founder

To join the team you just need to follow the link

PS: We will be making more people in to Leaders as time goes by .. These people will be chosen out of those who follow the plan to the word..

Flow Chart Below By Team Member Russell Glenn!

vineri, 7 iunie 2013

Study: Internet Explorer consumes the fewest resources

Although you will rarely be interested in this real world, a new study has confirmed that Internet Explorer is more energy efficient than Chrome or Firefox.
A vital feature for notebook users with zero utility for owners of desktop systems, energy consumption is for certain applications, for various reasons, not sufficiently optimized.

Hoping to come first, Microsoft asked the Fraunhofer Institute for a study to determine the power consumption for the most used applications on a notebook. It is about web browsers. Internet Explorer 10 happens to consume up to 18% less power than Chrome or Firefox when pages are displayed with Flash and HTML5 content, feature highlighted and the chart above.

“If each user of Chrome and Firefox would go on IE10 would save on the long term enough electricity to power over 10,000 U.S. homes for a year."

To enhance the value of this small advantage, Redmond threw a very bold statement across Chrome and Firefox users. In other words, Google and Mozilla harm our planet, while Microsoft has an ecological attitude. Although it is difficult to verify how true the above statement is, there is definitely a real foundation behind. Who knows, this information may be leaning toward Microsoft browser next time when you were angry at an error message on Chrome or Firefox.

joi, 14 martie 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 First Hands-on

Samsung Galaxy S 4 - Advanced hands on functions

Samsung Galaxy S 4 in the Chinese version appears on the internet again.
If a few days ago I wondered how much the Chinese phone present on a forum is the Samsung Galaxy S 4, we meet with the same phone today presented several videos.
By presenting the new features that we all have heard , the Chinese model seems to be quite close to a potential Samsung Galaxy S 4, but still remains the dilemma of the dual SIM ... Samsung have chosen to market two variants of the phone? I mean we can opt for a flagship with dual SIM? Or rather all this masquerade is a Chinese fake thought something better? Regardless of what we tend to believe, one thing is sure: the true Samsung Galaxy S 4 will be presented in all its splendor at 7 pm in New York.
Do not forget to come back and check the blog and Facebook page if you want to know as more details about the most anticipated smartphone of the moment.

Andy Rubin withdraws from the position of head of Android

Without an obvious scandal or debate in the media, Andy Rubin withdrew yesterday from his position as director of Google Android terminal Division.

CEO Larry Page wanted to make the official announcement of the transition from Andy Rubin as head of the department where he supported and promoted the Android ecosystem. With about 750 million active devices at this time, it isn’t obvious why Andy Rubin withdraw from the post where his done very good job.

This position will be occupied by Sundar Pichai. He will hold both the position of vice president of Chrome and Apps and as chief over Android. If we combine the two position as a hint about what's next in the operating of Google systems, chances are that the line between Android and Chrome OS will soon become blurred.

In the worst case, this transition should be reflected by a definition of stronger links between the two creations governed by Google. Rumors about such tactics have existed since December 2010, with the release of Chrome OS. Given the immeasurable popularity of the Android operating system, now would be the best time for Google to try a bold move.

There is still no official information about Andy Rubin's next destination. Is likely that he will become the head of another division which will be reinvented or to bring it to the pinnacle of glory.

Facelift for Galaxy SIII ?!

Minor changes are expected For Galaxy S III at the hardware level.

Currently at the rumor level, Samsung is preparing a new star model starting from last year's flagship Galaxy S III. It talks about an increase in battery capacity 2100 mAh how is currently to 2400 mAh and also an improved display. There is no known exact data on how this technology could be used for a better display, but I think it would be a bad idea to see a Super AMOLED panel with a RGB matrix against the existing solution.

It should be taken into consideration that all the buzz is currently focused on the launch of the Galaxy S 4 and most likely we will have to wait until a Galaxy S III Plus will make its appearance on the. Judging by the new movement made ​​by Samsung with the Galaxy S II Plus I’m quite tempted to think that we have a Plus version for the third member of the Galaxy S family. The Korean manufacturer probably will try in this way to maintain its interest and thus sales of the S III to an acceptable level because they are likely to collapse with the release of S 4.