
duminică, 10 martie 2013

Who dominates the smartphone market ?

In the first months of the year, the major statistics companies are fighting to tell us who dominates the smartphone market. Based on this information, to see what has changed in the last 12 months and especially how hard it is to change something in a field dominated by two players.
It seems simple. Manufacturers launch more and more powerful phones, sign contracts with mobile operators and consumers end up changing their phone every year ... really that simple? But the reality is that most manufacturers impress increasingly less. For these devices the market is growing from year to year, but there are fewer manufacturers getting richer from this.

The current phenomenon reminds me of the launch of the first iPad, a device that wasn’t described in megahertz, megabytes or milliamps. Again, specs matter less the brand name increasingly more. Obscure or less obscure companies launch phones that you do not buy, even if in terms of specifications might be close those of the S3.

In 2013, when we think of smartphones, we are talking about a customer base that craves for the latest Galaxy or dreaming of the next iPhone. Companies have created fans as if where rock bands. Launching new devices seem like concerts and the first reviews are no longer limited to tests and specifications, but the impressions, feelings and systems. In this system, users of the Galaxy S II or S3 and will not buy anything than a new Galaxy S or possibly a Note. The same is true with iPhone users who would not abandon their precious iDevices.

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